Net-Zero Youth Engagement Projects
Empowering the next generation
Support initiatives and projects that build awareness, dialogue and capacity on net-zero with a focus on youth.

Youth projects
To support the Net-Zero Advisory Body’s mandate to conduct engagement activities aimed at helping Canada achieve net-zero by 2050, six youth-led projects have been funded by Environment and Climate Change Canada.
These projects seek to build awareness, dialogue, and capacity on net-zero among Canadian youth.
In summer 2022, a targeted Call for Proposals was launched which resulted in the following six multi-year youth-led net-zero engagement projects.
The Net-Zero Advisory Body also commissioned a design thinking agency, LEADEO, to lead a net-zero youth engagement design thinking project in 2022-2023.
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Alberta Council for Environmental Education

Compete and succeed in a net zero future
Concrete solutions that the Government of Canada should implement to ensure that Canada benefits from a carbon-neutral global economy, accelerates the achievement of a carbon-neutral economy and generates clean prosperity for generations to come.