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Net-Zero Advisory Body releases reports on Canada’s 2030 and 2035 greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets

Ottawa, Canada, September 26, 2024 –The Net-Zero Advisory Body (NZAB) advises the federal government to redouble its efforts and implement new measures to reach its 2030 climate target and adopt a 2035 target and tools comparable to trading partners.

In a new report, “Climate’s Bottom Line: Carbon Budgeting and Canada’s 2035 Target”, the NZAB recommends developing a national carbon budget—the total greenhouse gas emissions that Canada will emit over time. Carbon budgets are used by other countries to better track the effect of policy decisions on the climate and the consequences of delaying action.

Alongside the carbon budget, the NZAB recommends that Canada adopt a 2035 emissions target of 50-55% reduction below 2005 levels. The proposed target meets the Paris Agreement requirement to increase ambition, and will help Canada keep paces with the ambitious climate goals of its G7 partners. Meeting the target will require greater ambition on decarbonization from the federal government, and also from provinces, territories, municipalities, and the private sector.

In a companion report “Closing the Gap: Reaching Canada’s 2030 Emissions Target”, the NZAB advises the federal government on how the country can achieve its 2030 target, of a 40-45% reduction below 2005 levels. The report highlights five key areas of action: 1) Finalize existing policy measures, 2) Address negative interactions between policies, 3) Strengthen industrial carbon pricing, 4) Secure additional reductions from the oil and gas sector, and 5) Pursue a small number of additional high-impact actions.  These complementary actions will give Canada the best chance of meeting its target.

The reports were developed in response to requests from the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, and with the support of research from the Canadian Climate Institute.

Canada committed to reduce GHG emissions by 40–45% below 2005 levels by 2030 as its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement. The 2030 target is established in legislation through the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act. The Act also requires Canada to announce its 2035 target by December 1, 2024.  

The 2030 and 2035 targets are crucial milestones to ensure Canada is on the right path to achieve net-zero GHG emissions by 2050. Net-zero refers to the balance between the amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) that is produced and the amount that's removed from the atmosphere. Efforts to mitigate climate action over the next decade will be critical to setting Canada up for success on our pathway to net-zero.


Quick Facts 

  • NZAB is mandated under the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act to engage Canadians and provide independent advice to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change with respect to achieving Canada’s target of net-zero emissions by 2050. 
  • NZAB members are appointed by the Governor in Council and bring together a diverse range of expertise. The NZAB provides independent advice to the Minister based on the best available scientific information and knowledge, including Indigenous Knowledge. 
  • To inform its advice, NZAB engaged with decision-makers and experts, including industry experts, academics, labour representatives, and non-governmental organizations, and published an initial summary of what was heard through the NZAB’s engagement activities on its website. 
  • The Canadian Climate Institute provided research and analytical support in Technical Annexes that accompany the NZAB reports.






“The 2035 target is a crucial milestone on Canada’s pathway to reaching net-zero emissions by 2050. Our efforts to mitigate climate change over the next decade will be critical to setting Canada up for success on our pathway to net-zero, including realization of benefits such as jobs in the growing renewable energy sector, more affordable and reliable electricity, and improved health through cleaner energy.”

~Sarah Houde, NZAB Co-Chair 


“The Government of Canada has made significant progress on climate action to reduce emissions over the past eight years since signing the Paris Agreement in 2016. However, more aggressive and sustained action is necessary to reach our 2030 emissions target and to shift to a long-term net-zero pathway. Our advice focuses on how to finish what has been started, improve what exists, and then implement new policies.”

~Simon Donner, NZAB Co-Chair


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The Net-Zero Edge: Navigating the New Realities for Canadian Competitiveness - Oct 10, 2024

Get ready!

On October 10, 2024, join the Canadian Climate Institute and the Net-Zero Advisory Body for our fourth annual national climate conference, The Net-Zero Edge: Navigating the New Realities for Canadian Competitiveness.

Date: Oct 10, 2024

Event details: This full-day conference takes place in-person in Ottawa and will be live-streamed online to enable participation from across the country.

In-person attendance is by invitation only due to limited capacity but you can reserve your complimentary virtual spot today (log-in details will be sent closer to the date).

Full agenda coming soon but here is a sneak peek at some of the great speakers who will be presenting:

  • Brian Deese, Former Director of the White House National Economic Council
  • Michael Sabia, President & CEO, Hydro Québec
  • Ivette Vera-Perez, CEO, Canadian Hydrogen Association
  • Hillary Thatcher, Managing Director, Investment: Indigenous and Northern Infrastructure, Canada Infrastructure Bank
  • Kwatuuma Cole Sayers, Executive Director, Clean Energy BC

Our speakers will share a diverse range of perspectives on how Canada can thrive as the shift to net zero accelerates around the world.

Stay tuned to our social media channels on X and LinkedIn for updates.

5 Min Read

What We Heard Report 2022-2023

The Net-Zero Advisory Body is pleased to release our second What We Heard Report. This shares our engagement efforts from 2022 and 2023, and what we heard during our engagement activities during that time.

Ten overarching themes emerged from our 2022-2023 engagement:

Accountability: Culture and mechanisms for net-zero accountability need to be embedded in both public and private sectors to set and keep us on net-zero pathways.

Affordability: Net-zero policy development must consider the cost-of-living challenges facing many Canadians.

Competitiveness: Net-zero policy needs to both reduce emissions and position Canada to have a competitive and prosperous net-zero economy.

Equity: Climate policies and programs need to build stronger and more equitable communities, that respond to social, health and economic needs, while also driving emissions reductions.

Indigenous rights: Indigenous rights must be respected, including the full and meaningful implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act, for all net-zero projects and pathways.

Implementation: Action is needed now to fully implement committed policies in a timely manner to achieve Canada’s ambitious greenhouse gas emissions reductions goals, and in many cases strengthen them to set us on pathways to net-zero.

People: Net-zero pathways must include greater focus on people, including Indigenous Peoples, local and racialized communities, the private sector (small-and-medium sized enterprises), workers and trade unions, as well as with youth, new Canadians, women and economically vulnerable populations.

Regional awareness: Regional differences and circumstances, including differing urban and rural needs, energy system designs, and infrastructure and workforce distribution, need to be considered during the design and implementation of net-zero policies and programs.

Transparency: Canada’s net-zero policy-making process, including the use of data and modeling, must be open and transparent.

Vision: Canada requires a clear vision on what the country’s net-zero future and energy transition looks like to drive demand and investment.

Engagement is part of NZAB’s mandate as per our Terms of Reference and the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act. We view engagement as critical to cultivating the collective commitment and shared leadership across all orders of government, Indigenous Peoples, the private sector, and civil society, and to inform and drive pathways to net-zero.

NZAB looks forward to strengthening relationships with stakeholders and partners and listening to new voices and perspectives to inform its advice on independent pathways to net-zero in the months and years ahead.  In particular, we recognize that Indigenous Peoples are at the forefront of both climate change impacts and climate change action. We are deeply grateful to the Indigenous partners with whom we engaged in 2022 and 2023. We acknowledge there is much more work for us to do to ensure that our advice more fully reflects Indigenous knowledge, representative perspectives, lived experiences, and leadership.

5 Min Read


Members from Canada’s Net-Zero Advisory Body (NZAB) will once again be attending the 28th annual United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties, known as COP, taking place this year from 30 November until 12 December 2023 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE). NZAB is co-hosting an event at the Canada Pavilion on December 5, 2023, with the Canadian Climate Institute (CCI).

The Developing a Net-Zero Energy System Vision for all Canadians event will build on momentum from recent COP meetings where countries increasingly recognized the massive transformation required for energy systems to meet net-zero commitments.

Panels will explore the role visions can play in leading this transformation by describing credible pathways to drive collective action and discuss the opportunity for just transitions by creating visions through collaboration and principles to meet socio-political and economic objectives. Canadian and international panelists will also provide their perspectives on developing net-zero energy systems reflecting the diversity of nations’ populations.

Check out the event page for more information about this event including speakers from SevenGen Energy, the Métis Nation of Alberta, the Environment and Climate Change Youth Council, and Presidential Climate Commission of South Africa.

Don’t forget to check back here for a summary of NZAB attendance and reflections after COP28 concludes!


Building Momentum Toward Net Zero

Mark your calendars! On November 9, 2023, join the Canadian Climate Institute and the Net-Zero Advisory Body for our third annual pan-Canadian climate conference: Building Momentum Toward Net Zero.

Date: Thursday, November 9, 2023, full-day conference

Last year’s conference was a huge success with more than 1,500 participants. This year’s conference promises to be just as dynamic with our great line-up of national and international speakers including:

  • Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Natural Resources
  • Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change
  • Corinne Le Quéré, Chair, The High Council for Climate, France
  • Geoffrey R. Pyatt, Assistant Secretary for Energy Resources, U.S. Department of State
  • Catherine Cobden, President & CEO, Canadian Steel Producers Association
  • Celyeste Power, President and CEO, Insurance Bureau of Canada
  • James Jenkins, Executive Director, Indigenous Clean Energy


8:30 am Welcome and Land Acknowledgement

  • Tosh Southwick, Climate Institute
  • Sarah Houde, NZAB
  • Elder Verna McGregor

8:45 am Latest results of NZAB and the Climate Institute’s advice and analysis

  • Dan Wicklum, Co-chair, Net-Zero Advisory Body
  • Rick Smith, President, Canadian Climate Institute

8:55 am Opening remarks

  • Mairead Lavery, President & CEO, Export Development Canada
  • Bea Bruske, President, Canadian Labour Congress

9:05 am Panel 1: Regulating Zero Emission Vehicles

  • Moderator: Simon Donner, NZAB
    Speakers: Brian Kingston, Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers

                         Joanna Kyriazis, Clean Energy Canada

                          Katya Rhodes, University of Victoria

  • Increasing the uptake of zero-emissions vehicles is key to reducing pollution from the transportation sector. This panel explores the federal government’s work to ensure 60 per cent of new light-duty vehicles are zero-emissions by 2030, en route to 100 per cent of new light-duty vehicles by 2035.

9:55 am Remarks

  • The Honourable Gavin Newsom, Governor of California (video)

10:10 am Keynote: Geoffrey R. Pyatt, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Resources

  • Introduction by Peter Nicholson, Chair, Canadian Climate Institute
  • Geoffrey R. Pyatt, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Resources
  • Interviewed by Sean Speer, Editor at Large, The Hub

10:40 am Ministers’ discussion

  • Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada
  • Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Natural Resources
  • moderated by Catherine Abreu, NZAB

11:30 am Panel 2: Greening Canada’s Buildings

  • Introduction by Philippe Adam, President and CEO, Pomerleau
  • Moderator: Kate Harland, Climate Institute
    Speakers: Bryan Flannigan, Building Decarbonization Alliance

                          Raegan Bond, Dunsky

                          Monica Gattinger, Institute for Science, Society and Policy

                          James Jenkins, Indigenous Clean Energy

  • Climate pollution from the building sector is increasing, putting Canada at risk of missing its 2030 emissions reduction target. This panel discusses the use of policies such as the Green Building Strategy to address these rising emissions while also making new and renovated buildings more resilient to extreme weather events.

1:05 pm Video Greetings

  • Crispian Olver, Executive Director, Presidential Climate Commission, South Africa
  • Premier of B.C. David Eby

1:10 pm Keynote: Corinne Le Quéré, Chair, France High Council on Climate

  • Introduction by Frank Marchetti, Minister-Counsellor
  • Corinne Le Quéré in conversation with Éric-Pierre Champagne, La Presse

1:45 pm Panel 3: Policies for a Bigger, Cleaner, Smarter Electricity System

  • Introduction by Jonathan Price, CEO, Teck
  • Moderator: Sachi Gibson, Climate Institute
    Speakers: Mark Jaccard, BC Utilities Commission

                          Francis Bradley, Electricity Canada

                          Laura Arnold, VP, External Affairs, Sustainability and Market Policy,                           TransAlta

                          Moe Kabbara, Transition Accelerator

  • The “big switch” from fossil fuels to clean electricity is the backbone of Canada’s clean energy transition, and will require coordinated actions from all orders of government. This panel looks at how policies and regulations can decarbonize, expand, and modernize the grid to provide clean, affordable, and reliable electricity to all Canadians.

2:35 pm Panel 4: Improving Output-Based Pricing Systems in Canada

  • Introduction by Catherine Cobden, President & CEO, CSPA
  • Moderator: Dale Beugin, Climate Institute
    Speakers: Sarah Petrevan, Cement Association

                           Caroline Brouillette, CAN-Rac

                           Michael Bernstein, Clean Prosperity

  • Output-Based Pricing Systems (OBPS) create incentives for industrial emitters to reduce emissions while protecting their international competitiveness. Several provinces have their own systems; the federal backstop applies in others. This panel will discuss changes that could be made to improve the OBPS’s impact and drive emissions reductions in sectors like electricity,  steel, and cement.

3:45 pm Panel 5: Implementing the National Adaptation Strategy

  • Introduction by Mandy Gull-Masty, Grand Chief, Cree Nation of Eeyou Istchee
  • Moderator: Sarah Miller, Canadian Climate Institute
    Speakers: Celyeste Power, Insurance Bureau of Canada

                          Erin Myers, Métis National Council

                          Caroline Larrivée, Ouranos

  • The summer of 2023 was marked not just by unprecedented wildfires, floods, droughts, and other extreme weather events all across Canada, but also by the publication of Canada’s first National Adaptation Strategy. Senior governments have historically undervalued and underinvested in climate change adaptation but with the National Adaptation Strategy the federal government has now spotlighted adaptation as a critical national priority on which it must play a leadership role. This panel discusses what needs to happen now to ensure the strategy delivers on protecting Canadians from the increasingly severe impacts of climate change.

4:35 pm Panel 6: Capping Oil and Gas Emissions

  • Moderator: Dan Wicklum, NZAB
    Speakers: Mark Cameron, Pathways Alliance

                          Chris Severson-Baker, Pembina

                          Sara Hastings-Simon, University of Calgary

  • Scientists are clear that to avoid the worst consequences of climate change we need to attain net zero emissions by 2050 and follow a steady emissions reduction trajectory between now and 2050. This is a key reason countries must set interim reduction targets like Canada’s 2030 target. This session explores the emissions performance of the domestic oil and gas sector as it relates to global peers, in the context of meeting Canada’s 2030 target, the upcoming regulatory cap on oil and gas emissions, and future Canadian competitiveness.

5:20 pm Closing Remarks

  • Elder Verna McGregor

Net-Zero Advisory Body announces new net-zero research projects

Montreal, Canada, March 20 2023 – Today, the Net-Zero Advisory Body (NZAB) announced the launch of sixteen new research projects that will catalyze climate change analysis and support broader conversations on net-zero.

The funding, which amounts to close to $10 million, is being allocated through the Environmental Damages Fund’s Climate Action and Awareness Fund, administered by Environment and Climate Change Canada. The funded projects align with one or more of the following research themes that were identified by the NZAB:

  • Defining the future systems required for net-zero;
  • Obstacles on the pathways to net-zero;
  • Distributional impacts of the pathways to net-zero on workers, and their families and communities;
  • Motivating net-zero action.

These projects are led by Canadian think tanks, academic institutions, and other research groups and address sectoral knowledge gaps and crosscutting net-zero themes such as net-zero action in small communities, regulatory solutions for electrification of high-emitting sectors, green skills gaps for Canada’s net-zero economy, and the use of hydrogen in the net-zero energy transition.

The ultimate objective of these projects is to identify, accelerate, and evaluate mitigation actions that can help Canada achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

The Government of Canada’s Environmental Damages Fund provided funding for these projects under its Climate Action and Awareness Fund, created in large part using the $196.5 million fine paid by Volkswagen for circumventing Canada’s environmental protection rules.

For more information on these net-zero research projects, please visit our research page.

Links(External link)


“A robust base of evidence and forward-looking research is integral to drive Canada’s progress towards net-zero by 2050. NZAB is proud of catalyzing this agenda for the Canadian net-zero research community.”

– Dan Wicklum, NZAB Co-Chair

"These research projects will spark new conversations and insights on Canada’s pathways to net-zero. The NZAB looks forward to learning from these research projects to inform our advice."

– Marie-Pierre Ippersiel, NZAB Co-Chair

Annual report: Compete and Succeed in a Net-Zero Future

Ottawa, Canada, January 27, 2023 – Today, Canada’s Net-Zero Advisory Body (NZAB) released its annual report, Compete and Succeed in a Net-Zero Future, featuring concrete solutions the Government of Canada should implement to ensure Canada benefits from a global net-zero economy, accelerates the attainment of a net-zero emissions economy, and generates clean prosperity for generations to come.

Canada has committed to fight climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 40 to 45% by 2030 from 2005 levels and reaching net zero emissions by 2050. Canada has built a credible foundation to meet these targets, but it must remain at the forefront of the net-zero movement to ensure competitiveness in the global economy, sustain well-being, create good net-zero compatible jobs, and attract investments to leverage competitive advantages. Independent advice and targeting a whole-of-society approach to transformation across all parts of the economy, is critical to achieving Canada's climate objectives.

The report to the federal Minister of the Environment and Climate Change includes 25 recommendations across the NZAB’s three lines of inquiry identified for 2022-23: net-zero governance, net-zero industrial policy, and net-zero energy systems. This advice was informed through engagement with over 100 decision-makers and experts, including industry experts, academia, non-governmental organizations and associations, and Indigenous rights-holders. Implementing these actions without delay is essential to succeed in creating a prosperous net-zero future for all Canadians. The net-zero transition is our generation’s moonshot, and we must undertake it with a clear sense of urgency.

Launched in February 2021 and formalized under the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act in June 2021, the NZAB is mandated to provide independent advice to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change with respect to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. In turn, the Act requires the Minister to publicly respond to the advice outlined in the annual report within 120 days.

In 2023, the NZAB will continue to deepen its advice.


  • Compete and Succeed in a Net-Zero Future is the third report to the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change since the NZAB was founded, and first legislated annual report under the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act.
  • The NZAB’s annual report contains 25 pieces of advice across three priority areas: (1) net-zero governance, (2) net-zero industrial policy, and (3) net-zero energy systems.
  • To inform this annual report, the NZAB hosted briefings, roundtable discussions, and conference engagement activities with a range of decision-makers and experts, including industry experts, academics, Indigenous organizations, labour representatives, and non-governmental organizations. It also received emailed comments from members of the public.



“While climate plans to date set a strong foundation for reducing emissions, there needs to be widespread understanding that eliminating greenhouse gas emissions from the economy in a net zero way, is fundamentally different from reducing greenhouse gases. Incremental change to our current systems will simply not result in systems that are functional and net zero by 2050. We need to define the necessary future systems now to allow sufficient time to build them by 2050.”

– Dan Wicklum, NZAB Co-Chair

“Seizing the upsides of net-zero by 2050 will require unprecedented transformations of Canada’s economy and energy systems, both of which depend on a firm collective commitment towards shared objectives.”

– Marie-Pierre Ippersiel, NZAB Co-Chair

Net-Zero Advisory Body provides advice for Canada’s 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan

The Net-Zero Advisory Body, established under the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act with a mandate to provide the Minister of Environment and Climate Change with independent advice with respect to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, is pleased to release its submission to inform Canada’s 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan.

Our submission provides advice on specific improvements to existing federal programs and proposes new measures that the Government of Canada should consider to help achieve its 2030 target of a 40 to 45 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions below 2005 levels.

The advice in this submission is grounded in the Net-Zero Advisory Body’s five foundational values and five design principles set out in our first publication, Net-Zero Pathways: Initial Observations, and is informed by our engagement, analysis and deliberations. As requested(External link) by the federal Ministers of Environment and Climate Change and Natural Resources, the Net-Zero Advisory Body’s submission also provides key guiding principles to inform the Government’s development of quantitative five-year emissions reduction targets for the oil and gas sector.

The Net-Zero Advisory Body would like to acknowledge the contributions from hundreds of individuals, businesses, governments and organizations that participated in our engagement process. The ideas and perspectives that were shared with us helped inform our thinking and advice. The Net-Zero Advisory Body will continue to engage Canadians in the months and years ahead.


  • This submission represents the Net-Zero Advisory Body’s independent advice for Canada’s 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan. It is focused on the four lines of inquiry that we set for our first year: governance; buildings; transportation; and, oil and gas.
  • We have identified 40 pieces of advice across our four lines of inquiry to inform federal decision-making to help reduce Canada’s GHG emissions by 40-45 percent below 2005 levels by the year 2030.
  • Our submission also provides advice on key guiding principles to help inform the development of quantitative five-year emission reduction targets for the oil and gas sector, as requested(External link) by the federal Ministers of Environment and Climate Change and Natural Resources.
  • To inform our advice, the Net-Zero Advisory Body conducted a range of engagement activities over the course of summer and fall 2021 and early 2022, including hosting briefings and roundtable discussions with a range of decision-makers and experts, including labour representatives, Indigenous organizations, oil and gas companies, and non-governmental organizations. We also received over 1,200 submissions and comments through our website.
  • A summary of what was heard through the NZAB’s engagement activities will be published on our website in April 2022.


“Canada is past the point where incremental adjustments are good enough - achieving our country’s 2030 emissions reduction target is critical after decades of missing the mark. The Net-Zero Advisory Body’s advice for Canada’s 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan identifies concrete steps that the Government of Canada should take to close the gap to achieve its 2030 target, while supporting the most likely pathways for Canada to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.”

-Dan Wicklum, Co-Chair

“We are pleased to provide our advice to Canada’s Emissions Reduction Plan for 2030. The climate crisis and achieving net-zero is not just an environmental issue – it touches all parts of society. Shared leadership, where everyone contributes in their areas of decision-making and influence, is imperative to getting Canada on track to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.”

-Marie-Pierre Ippersiel, Co-Chair



  • The Net-Zero Advisory Body is a non-partisan group of experts established under the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act with a mandate to provide the Minister of Environment and Climate Change with independent advice with respect to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, including greenhouse gas targets and plans to achieve the targets. The Net-Zero Advisory Body also has a mandate to engage Canadians on net-zero emissions.


5 Min Read

NZAB attends COP26 in Glasgow

The annual United Nations Climate Change Conference, known as COP, is an opportunity to forge connections with climate leaders and experts from around the world. The Net-Zero Advisory Body (NZAB) was proud to participate in the 26th COP in its inaugural year.

COP26 was held in Glasgow, Scotland from November 1 – 12, 2021 after being delayed for a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. NZAB co-chairs, Dan Wicklum and Marie-Pierre Ippersiel attended COP26 as members of the Canadian delegation.

At COP26, the Government of Canada announced a commitment to cap and cut emissions from the oil and gas sector. As part of this commitment, Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, Steven Guilbeault, and Minister of Natural Resources, Jonathan Wilkinson, have asked the NZAB for independent advice on key guiding principles to help set targets for the oil & gas sector.


  • Co-chairs met with Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, Steven Guilbeault, and Minister of Natural Resources, Jonathan Wilkinson to discuss the ministers’ request for the NZAB to provide independent advice on capping and cutting emissions from the oil and gas sector.
  • Co-chairs also spoke with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
  • The International Climate Councils Network launched publicly on the first day of COP26 with a panel discussion featuring the Canadian Institute for Climate Choices (CICC), among others, and a statement on the contributions of climate advisory bodies to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement.
  • The NZAB and the CICC will be co-chairing the ICCN in 2022 along with councils from France and Guatemala.
  • The NZAB, the CICC, and the Ivey Foundation co-hosted an informal gathering at COP26 with guests from the Canadian delegation and the ICCN.
  • The NZAB met with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to discuss the critical role of cites and towns in achieving a resilient and prosperous net-zero future.


“COP is the most significant event on the international climate calendar and expectations for this year were high. It was important for the NZAB to participate in COP26 to promote its values and principles, learn from the experiences of others around the globe, and form new connections.”

Marie-Pierre Ippersiel, Co-Chair of the Net-Zero Advisory Body

“The NZAB had a successful and productive COP26. We were pleased to speak with Canadian and international participants about the most likely pathways to net-zero. We look forward to giving practical, actionable advice that will accelerate the development and implementation of pathways to a net-zero Canada.”

Dan Wicklum, Co-Chair of the Net-Zero Advisory Body


5 Min Read

CICC-NZAB event: Securing prosperity in a net-zero world demands ‘urgency’

A changing climate and global economic trends are already having major impacts across Canada. To thrive in this new world, along with honouring Canada’s commitment to reaching net-zero by 2050, the country must find ways to transition to a net-zero society while securing economic prosperity.

The Net-Zero Advisory Body (NZAB) and Canadian Institute for Climate Choices (CICC) co-hosted an event, Canada’s Net-Zero Economy: Securing Prosperity in a Net-Zero World, on October 25, 2021, aimed at doing just that.

By spotlighting 15 speakers with diverse backgrounds in business, environment, and governance, the discussions highlighted key considerations and practical ideas for pathways that Canada can take to tackle the toughest policy question of the decade. The theme of ‘urgency’ was prominent throughout the 4-hour event. The live panel discussions, individual interviews, video messages, and real-time questions posed by Canadians from around the country provided a platform for frank exchanges and knowledge building.

This important event has set the stage and expectations for Canada’s participation at COP26 in Glasgow and for Canada’s own net-zero plans. It marks an important start to a long-term discussion.


  • The Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson, Canada’s new Minister of Natural Resources (previously Minister of Environment and Climate Change), stressed the importance of being proactive in our mission against climate change: “[the] situation is urgent; our runaway is short… being competitive means being at the forefront”.
  • Chris Stark, Chief Executive of the UK’s Climate Change Committee shared lessons learned from the UK, which has reduced carbon emissions by nearly 50 percent since 1990. “We’re beyond ‘sexy’ new targets: implementing targets and delivery is the new mantra”.
  • NZAB co-chairs Marie-Pierre Ippersiel and Dan Wicklum highlighted the 10 values and principles that will guide the NZAB’s work in developing advice on net-zero pathways, and took questions from the virtual audience.
  • Officials from the CICC presented their recent report, Sink or Swim, which assesses the implications of the global low-carbon transition for Canada’s economy, and the strategies that can be used to manage risks, seize opportunities, and drive clean, strong, and inclusive growth.
  • Session 4: The Business of Net-Zero, led by leaders from the energy, transportation, and buildings sectors, looked at ways to ensure Canada remains industrially competitive. There was consensus that a positive transition puts job security and economic prosperity at the centre of decision-making, with the private sector helping to lead the charge.
  • Regional Chief Kluane Adamek, a member of the NZAB and Regional Chief for Yukon, Assembly of First Nations, spoke of the necessity to respect Indigenous rights, climate leadership, and knowledge in charting pathways to net-zero.


“Net-zero is not just an environmental policy. It is about the entire economy and requires reimagining society’s structure and systems. And we have no time to wait. The science tells us what must be done and we have an obligation to act.”

Dan Wicklum, Co-Chair of the Net-Zero Advisory Body

“Our mission is clear: to provide the federal Minister of Environment with independent advice on achieving net-zero by 2050. We also have the mandate to engage Canadians across the country about our work.”

Marie-Pierre Ippersiel, Co-Chair of the Net-Zero Advisory Body

“The pressing urgency of climate change is real, and it’s not going away—it’s only going to get stronger. The question isn’t whether the world is going to net-zero. The question is whether Canada will lead or be left behind. So we need to ensure, as Canadians, that our future is positioned for success in this new net-zero economy.”

Rick Smith, President of the Canadian Institute for Climate Choices


5 Min Read

Special Event: October 25, 2021

Canada’s Net-Zero Economy: Securing Prosperity in a Net-Zero World

A pan-Canadian conference on the risks and opportunities ahead

Key links:

Event details:

Monday, October 25, 2021, from 1pm – 5pm (ET)

Presented by:

The Net-Zero Advisory Body and The Canadian Institute for Climate Choices

Compete and succeed in a net zero future

Concrete solutions that the Government of Canada should implement to ensure that Canada benefits from a carbon-neutral global economy, accelerates the achievement of a carbon-neutral economy and generates clean prosperity for generations to come.